23 November 2006

little things

Christian Kerr in today's Crikey opines on the futility of economic nationalism, thus:

If the bid goes ahead, the last possible, tenuous, flimsy arguments Qantas might
mount about shielding it from competition on key routes in “the national interest”. Yesterday, Mark Vaile was referring to Qantas as “Australia’s national carrier”. What the hell does that mean? Qantas is no different from any other big company listed in Australia – other than in its shamelessness in cashing in on its old status as a state-owned industry.
Competition offers lower prices to consumers. National flag carriers only offer standing to socialists or tin-pot political figures who desperately cling to anything they think is a status symbol. Like Australian pols.

But as the possible trasnfer of ownership of some of Qantas was being discussed on t'news t'night, and Costello was very seriously emphasising that the laws governing majority Australian ownership would not be changed, Mrs VVB suddenly piped up with "this privatisation has to stop", or something along these lines. Quite taken aback I was, as this is the same person who turns off the television every time I start frothing when a certain morally-challenged serial liar appears. So I'm living with a closet commie? I'll have to start pointing her in Catallaxy's direction for a dose of edumacation.

Speaking of a certain morally-challenged serial liar Michael Pascoe, also in today's Crikey, has this:

It is incredible stuff, even in the context of the extraordinary AWB saga. The
immediate inclination is to think this is one more indication that John Howard
repeatedly lied to Australia about our involvement in Iraq – but why bother
about a man who still thinks we did the right thing in Vietnam?

The immediate inclination? Oh yes indeed. And the continuing inclination also. Why bother about a man, etc etc? Well, he's the f**cking Prime Minister, for crying out loud. He serially deceives the country and we just should say "Let it be?" Is there not a single journalist in the country who'll call this lying for what it is?

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