30 September 2006

kazakh attackh

The ongoing skirmish between Sacha Baron Cohen in his Borat guise and the government of Kazakhstan, with sniffy interlude from 'George Walter Bush', just gets better and better. The person who invents a vaccine that enables people to recognise - or at least stop getting upset by - satire, will get my vote forever. If they could do it for irony...heck, make them president-for-life.

The Kazakhs should get Cohen on the payroll. Anything he did for them would be more effective than "where the bloody hell are you" in attracting tourists (I loved the comment that this would have been an effective advertisement for deaf people!).

Back to the article on Borat, as I read the last excerpt I suddenly started getting images with Margaret Whitlam and Janette Howard. Deeply disturbing!

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