16 September 2011

it's the end of the world as we know it

Via Crikey, this from TV Tonight.

If not showing a footy game - oh all right, an important footy game - on high def television is a "rude shock", I suggest we should all pack up our tents and roll over now, because we're so far up a river in a barbed wire canoe...

End of the world? Hah.


iODyne said...

HD ... VD ... OD ... I loathe digital TV ... which seems to pixilate just when I am actually interested in one tiny moment of the dross they all churn out.
good luck in your quest though.

The Editor said...

It's the end of the world when this blog bemoans the lack of HD for footy broadcasts.

phil said...

jeez I'm awful

The Editor said...

Nah... You're lovely...

WV siad "drinc".

Your shout.

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