08 November 2009

blue turns to grey

The blog?

The work.

The lack of interest in anything else but.


I'm growing a mo for Movember. I'd link to my mo page but bang goes the semi-anonymity if I do.

While I was working out west last weekend, I missed our 40 year high school reunion, but the news travelled back.

"The number of deaths, suicides in particular, since the last reunion left me quite affected. It’s a sad reflection that a strapping younger teenager can end up like that… You can only wonder what had gone so wrong…"

Over the last couple of years, three former classmates - all blokes - have committed suicide.

Part of the fundraising for Movember goes to beyondblue. If you know someone who's growing a mo for Movember, donate to them.

Seems like us blokes need it.


Ann ODyne said...

I'm deeply cynical, and that includes my faith in beyondblue, but I do however love that 'blue turns to gray' if I could just forget 1.Marianne's suicide attempt while in Sydney with the composer of it and at the peak of her beauty and fame.
2. and his treatment of so many of the many mothers of his many children.
Suicide is painless,
It brings on
many changes ...

Ann ODyne said...

I'm deeply cynical, and that includes my faith in beyondblue, but I do however love that 'blue turns to gray' if I could just forget 1.Marianne's suicide attempt while in Sydney with the composer of it and at the peak of her beauty and fame.
2. and his treatment of so many of the many mothers of his many children.
Suicide is painless,
It brings on
many changes ...

JahTeh said...

It's a shame you can't put a little ticker thingie up in the corner to show the mo grow. No cheating either Phil, merkins do not go under the nose.

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