28 October 2009

people get ready

Things about America that you're unlikely to read in a Murdoch owned newspaper.

And a
bit more, but this one includes a sliver of hope about what happens when people take charge.

Must be a very strange country.

bookyforum as always.

1 comment:

Ann ODyne said...

Too much going on at BookForum.
20 links per post? That's not blog-reading, that's a Life's Work.
The NYT link refused to load under my limit of counting to 40, but I did like the link to the Mark Covington story. He's a wonderful person.
I've crossed Detroit and the burned-out crackhouse district is a massive contrast to the rolling greens wealth of Bloomfield Hills. I did see the fabulous Henry Ford Greenfield Village Museum, (worth the trip - Guugle it and be rewarded) and a multi-storey carpark with a sign that said "Parking for American cars only".

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