01 March 2007


More a place-holder than an actual blog post, this is just an excuse to link to an article that encourages managers to be honest with their staff. Evidently there's so little of this about that someone felt the need to write such an article. Exit, to the sound of conclusions being drawn.

Elsewhere, people seem to
feel similarly to me about the farce that is parliament. The quick clips I have seen before I could turn the TV to another channel ("Rodder's Life" on Briz 31, a truly excellent intro to d.i.y. shows: "This is the back bit of the car....you can see under there what we done...and now I'm gunna tell you how we done it") simply remind me that (a) parliament is 95% circus and 5% kindergarten, and (b) Peter Costello is his own worst enemy. Actually, that last statement may not necessarily be totally accurate...

If Kevin Rudd had lunch with Brian Burke, he should get a rabies injection, after which he should return to the circus kindergarten and tell Peter Costello to pull his head in.

We should also have a referendum at the next election with the following question:

"I do/do not want a nuclear power plant in my backyard. I do/do not want a nuclear power plant in the prime miniature's (*) backyard."

That should short-circuit a lot of argy-bargy and obviate the need for any expensive inquiries - not that they
seem all that necessary any more.

(*) I mistyped "minister" but the spell-check only gave me "miniature". Now that's hardly original but is it the first time that a spell-check has cast an accurate character assasinnation on the lying piece of shit?


JahTeh said...

Even the machines are agin him.
I'm not going to miss that whining visage of his at all nor Costello's clown act.

phil said...

oh yes....against the sound of fingernails on a blackboard, the sound of the voice of the lying piece of shit rates a 17.5...

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