29 March 2006

karma karma karma come on chameleon! oi! oi! oi!

Oh yes, the gods (plural, origin indeterminate, Sharon!), are smiling on me today. My favourite would-be-RWDB-if-he-could-be-except-he's-a-thinker-and-a-decent-bloke-and-a-genuine-storyteller, Adrian the cabbie, has seen fit to include this blogpup on his blogroll.

I have arrived! Recognition! So yesterday's - was it so long ago? - decision of a blogging hiatus is hereby rescinded. Now, what shall I write about today?

Let's make it this. I have always loved
this album, dating from when we were living in Pakistan and I was watching the Australian papers when we got them, and saw Tragedy seemingly forever at the top of the charts. But you didn't get much western music in Pakistan under General Zia (the first bootleg cassette shop opened in Islamabad just before we left in 1979) so my knowledge of Bee Gees was all early stuff. Then I did a quick trip to Bangkok in May 1979 and on arrival, got one of those beaut cheap taxis (some bloke using his own car) and there was this song on the radio and I thought, "gee, that's good, who is it?" Well the ultra high voices were a giveaway and it was Spirits Having Flown, still one of my favourite tunes. Well CD sales might be falling but not, from the people I see in JB Hi-FI, among my generation as lots of old stuff make it to CD. So today I got it and I just rocked out all the way home from work.

So - thanks Adrian! And I've done something about the font.

Update: the euphoria remains but time to get back to work. Dear reader - all 3 of you - please reflect on my view last night, my response today, perhaps even the very first post I created and give me some guidance about the future of this bloglet. Because I can't keep slagging the
moral midget off in every post - it does get boring. But are the personal stories compelling enough? Can this be a place to - publicly - develop a few creative writing skills? Sorry, skillzzz.

Feedback!! I need feedback!! Consider yourselves a focus group!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

focus group considered. Perhaps you should tell some stories of your travels....experiences in life- then go on from there. I love a good story.

carry on wilson.

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