18 October 2006

the white right stripes

Des Moore, Director of the Centre of Public Enterprise and tireless campaigner for all things economically neoliberal, especially labour market flexibility, is nothing if not consistent. He has a letter in today's AFR repudiating Treasurer Costello's recent claims about the tax burden in Australia which concludes, "But the fact remains that the present coalition (sic) is responsible for Australians now bearing the highest tax burden in our history." I assume he means the Federal Coalition.

While the letter does mention state taxes it also confirms the view, held by everybody except Treasurer Costello, that the GST is a federal tax.

With friends like these, as the old saying goes. What a shame that some of his likeminded ideological warriors ( no names, no pack drill as they say) weren't at least so intellectually consistent and honest. I may not - well, I don't - agree with many of his views that I would characterise as unduly hard-line, but credit where it is due.

I have work to do, so that's tonight for cherrypicking.

Oh, almost. My ABC is on in the background and they've just announced the Glasshouse. Time to turn off. I may value my ABC in a way that the government does not, but the Glass House is about as funny as a fart in the bath. Some of the guests can be entertaining, the hosts need strangling.

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